Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Black Friday Review...

Sooo.....I went out Black Friday to see what all the hype was about. I've only done the whole wake up before crack of dawn thing once and I think I was in junior high. We had woke up to try to get one of those game boy systems, but that failed because Wal-Mart only had like ten in stock. But this time around, the usually camped out Wal-Mart opened at midnight having pity on their customers. The only deals withheld from the late-night shoppers were the electronic specials. They had a take a number according to what gizmo you wanted and camp out in the aisles til 5 a.m. when the electronic deals were available. Which seemed like a somewhat organized but still confused mess. There were no signs or anything letting customers know where to get your number, what line is for what, and how much the items would be. In fact, it didn't seem like any of the specials were marked so not really needing anything anyway, we left and went to Cherry Hill Mall.

The mall wasn't that bad. being that only about six stores were opening at midnight. The only store I saw worth going into was the Disney Store, not just because it's just a cool store but they also had some pretty good deals. Select items were on sale and the whole store was an additional 20% off! The other stores like American Eagle and Aeropostale were open but it didn't seem worth it to shop that early just for their 20 or 30 percent off the whole store events because they give out coupons for that amount year round anyway. So all in all, as you see, I wasn't that amused with the deals that I saw. Next year, maybe I'll have a better turn out and try the outlets.


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