Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello April

(photo credit: Jeff Kubina via photopin cc)
It seems like March went much faster than February and now we can say hello to April! This month, Fashion of Philly will be focusing on ways we can do more for the environment. When I use the word environment, I'm not just referring to the land, but also those on it from all over the globe. Whether it be in fashion, beauty, or in our homes, there are plenty of little things we can do to lend a hand. Also PIFA has begun and I'll be here to let you know everything you don't want to miss. Last week, I tried trapeze lessons thanks to the Fly School Circus of Philadelphia and it was incredible! If you follow our social media channels you've already seen some of the footage, but I can't wait to share it with you on here. If you're interested in trying them out for yourself, you can find information on classes here. I'm looking forward to what April has in store and I hope for whatever reason you are as well. As always thanks for stopping by and Happy April!


  1. It did go by fast! and thanks for sharing
