Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Farm to Fork Week

This week begins Farm to Fork Week, when 45 local restaurants from the South Jersey area offer four-course summer-themed meals for $35 with a few of them offering a $25 menu. Last week we were invited to Duffield's Farm so that we could get a preview of what the public will be tasting. SJ (South Jersey) Hot Chefs put together a well rounded dining experience for anyone wanting to get a taste of local, fresh cuisine. Some of the featured chefs at the preview event were from: Carolina Blue, The Telford Inn, La Esperanza, and Anthony's. Each dish was incredible and prepared to excite your taste buds. I feel like when fresh ingredients are used in a dish, it just looks more colorful!

I haven't been to a working farm since I was younger, so visiting Duffield's Farm was a real treat. They had plenty of animals and fresh produce for the picking, including sweet Jersey peaches. They even gave us some corn, which I later roasted in the oven and topped with Parmesan cheese.

If you're in the Philadelphia area, I hope you'll come see what Jersey has to offer. The best part about South Jersey is that there is no need to hunt for parking.


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