My family and I have probably driven to Orlando more than the average people in the past 2 years. The drive from New Jersey to Orlando takes about 15 hours and by now I think it's safe to say we pretty much got this down packed. Here are some tips for planning a successful road trip to Orlando!
Pack up the car ahead of time. If you know you're going on a trip, there's no need to wait till the last minute to get everything ready. (Even though, I am sometimes guilty of this.) Have your things packed and ready to go, if not in the car, then by the front door. This way you can leave on time and not feel like you're forgetting something.
Have a good amount of snacks. Once you hit the road, stopping at rest stops, gas stations and fast food joints can become costly. It's best to stock up on your favorite snacks and beverages at your local grocery store. Not only will you save money, but it's more than likely you'll choose healthier options.
Leave after rush hour traffic. Leaving right after work will do you no good if you're just going to sit in traffic for another 3 hours. When leaving during a workday, it's best to leave around 8pm. Mostly everyone is home from work and the congestion has cleared out. This also gives you the opportunity to eat dinner at home, so you won't have to spend extra on kids meals.
Freshen up on the go. Riding in a car for 15 hours straight can make you feel...ugh. Keep yourself feeling fresh with a few travel friendly items like facial wipes, portable tooth brushes and deodorant wipes. You can read all about those here.
Have a variety of entertainment. For little ones the ride can be pretty long so having an array of entertainment options can be a big help. Tablets, laptops and even your trusty cell phone can be great distractions at night while a good book and sightseeing will work just fine doing the day. If this isn't enough search Pinterest for a few games to play on the road, like I-Spy and Road Trip Bingo. Don't forget to bring all you car chargers, power banks, and USB cords.
Have your GPS handy. The directions to get to Orlando are pretty easy to remember. Just take I-95 South to I-4 West. However, you should know that there is always some type of construction project being done on both of these highways, so be prepared to throw on the GPS just in case.
Load up the EZPass. If you're leaving as far north as New Jersey, you're going to hit a few tolls, but after you pass the Washington DC area there aren't too many tolls ahead of you. The one thing you will notice in the DMV (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia) area are EZ Pass lanes that are available during certain times to help control the flow of traffic. You will have to pay a small fee. but at least you'll be able to bypass some of the traffic.
Keep breaks to a minimum. I'm pretty sure everyone will be very anxious to get to their destination, so when it comes to breaks, get in and get out. As mentioned before leaving at night has it's advantages and since we don't have to stop for a full meal, we can keep it moving. Most of our stops are to gas up, empty our bladders, grab a snack or drink, if need be, and keep on truckin' down the road.
If you do decide to take the drive from the Northeast to Florida, remember safety is #1! If you don't feel like you can make it, pull over and get some sleep. This drive maybe not be idea for everyone, but if you think it could work for you have fun and enjoy the ride!
Discovery all things Disney with Disney Vacation Packages on!
Yes, for road trips snacks are definitely necessary as well as a great plylist of good music for us! /Madison :-)