Happy December Everyone! The cold weather is starting to creep in and sometimes one of the biggest challenges is not losing your style in a big winter coat. I'm always on the lookout for warm, cute coats to wear in the winter months because there's no escaping it. It's great to have at least one heavy duty winter coat, but it's even better to be able to switch it up every now and then. StyleWe has a ton of stylish outerwear at affordable prices that I'm obsessed with.
StyleWe invited me to take a look at their website and this Neon Yellow Peacoat definitely caught my eye. It's the perfect length to keep me warm and I just love, love, love the color. Amongst the usual sea of black, grey, or navy winter coats, this one is sure to stand out. It instantly adds a chic touch to your everyday outfit.
Even though I kept this look pretty basic, I could see lots of style possibilities the closer we get to spring. When you're not sure how to style something in a bold color, try pairing it with a complementary color. For example, on a color wheel, the complement of yellow is purple. You may be surprised at how many color combination you can make with one bold piece.

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