Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Discover your world wide family

This post was made possible by!

It's now the time of year when families love to get together. You may find yourself either sharing your favorite funny stories, welcoming loved ones, or discovering long lost relatives. The latter is something my family and I started doing once my father got his DNA results back from The My Heritage DNA at home kit is an easy cheek swab DNA test that reveals detailed ethnic origins. They have already helped millions of people find new additions to their family tree and discover their background.

The experience is simple and easy! First, you order your kit on You can get 2 for the price of one, $49 each when you buy two, now through December 18! After it arrives, just follow the easy to follow instructions and set up your kit.

Once you mail it in the enclosed envelope, you can track your DNA progress on your My Heritage DNA account online at

When we got the results, we were surprised by some of the results. The ethnicity estimate breaks it down, first by continent, then by region/country.

We knew we were African American, but it was even more interesting to know exactly what areas of African my siblings and I were from like Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. It just deepen my yearning to travel to Africa. Finding out that my father had DNA from Southern and Eastern Asia was a surprise even if it is less then 2%.

Another cool thing about MyHeritage is that you can look up DNA Matches that have also submitted their DNA to You can even contact them and add them to your family tree. They give you tools for researching more about your family like newspapers, birth and death records, even the census. If you're interested in trying MyHeritage for yourself or gifting one to family member now is the perfect time. Visit and enter code "MHFASHIONOFPHILLY" & receive Free Shipping! I would love for you to be able to discover new members of your world wide family with My Heritage.


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